Years of white knuckling my way through the fad diets du jour taught my body to hold on to fat like a toddler holds on to her cookie. But worse than what my body did, was what my mind did. I found myself in a place of self-loathing and defeat (this is not a place I would recommend, either. I think Cancun would be much more fun).
Before my brain glommed on to the next "winning" diet, a small, super quiet, voice gently suggested I try a... Keep reading
Life is busy. This simple yet research informed program works through short (custom) weekly or bi-weekly sessions. I help you prioritize your wellness program without needing to sacrifice precious time (who has extra time, anyway?). We create and execute a goal informed strategy that we assess for effectiveness and efficiency throughout the program. This has to be a system that you will be able to use for the rest of your life, ultimate... Keep reading